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The First Immanuel Elementary School starts with the Kindergarten experience and goes through 5th grade. The Elementary School is a fun, happy and safe place where children know it’s OK to express their ideas or try something new.
A variety of extracurricular activities are available for these students throughout the school year. 
Before & After School Care is available for elementary school students and a hot lunch program is available. The Wildcats Summer Fun Camp is available to these students, as are a variety of summer camps and our annual Vacation Bible School. 


In addition to daily language arts, math, science, social studies and religious instruction, kindergarten students at First Immanuel have regular computer classes, gym classes, music and art classes, library time and recess. Students also begin to have more interaction with older students in the school, through recess time with the 1st and 2nd graders, their middle school "reading buddies," and by attending weekly chapel with their “chapel families.”

First Immanuel offers half-day and full-day kindergarten within the same classroom. Half-day and full-day kindergarten students both start their day on the regular school schedule with the first bell at 7:25 am. The half-day students leave before lunch at 11:00 am, while the full-day students end their day with the rest of the school at 2:40 pm. Most families select the full-day Kindergarten option, but families with time to read and learn with their children at home can very successfully choose the half-day option. All core classes are taught in the morning.


It is in the primary grades where children develop a love of learning, so our teachers focus on reaching every type of learner, whether they are visual, auditory, tactile or kinesthetic. All elementary school classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards, to increase opportunities for interactive learning.

Students at First Immanuel’s elementary school learn how to spell and read using a unique combination of phonics and whole-language development. The best practice “Six Traits of Writing” program has been integrated into all subjects requiring written work. The science curriculum is very hands-on, allowing our students to discover for themselves all the wonders of God’s creation, and to problem-solve utilizing scientific method. The math curriculum is organized to support differentiated learning, allowing students to master skills at their own speed. Students also have physical education, computers, music and art twice a week, and outdoor recess daily.

With each grade level there is an increasing level of independence, organization and responsibility expected of students.